Full Mouth Reconstruction

A smiling elderly woman with white hair, wearing a light-colored top.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the state of your smile and have multiple concerns about your overall oral health, we are well equipped to help. As skilled and experienced providers of care, our practice offers the most advanced services and proven methods of treatment to help patients to once again smile with confidence and ease.

What is full mouth reconstruction?

Just as the name implies, a “full mouth reconstruction” involves a series of procedures that are designed to address complex issues and restore or replace multiple teeth for an all-around healthier and more attractive smile. Although the process of full mouth reconstruction primarily involves visits to our office, an ideal treatment plan may also require the input of additional specialists to address significant periodontal, orthodontic, or surgical issues as well as other oral health concerns.

When is full mouth reconstruction necessary?

Typically, a candidate for full mouth reconstruction is someone whose smile has been cosmetically and functionally debilitated by any number of factors. Reasons for full mouth reconstruction may include extensive tooth loss, dental trauma, widespread dental decay, bruxism (teeth-grinding), or a range of medical conditions and treatments involving the head and neck area. Additionally, individuals with congenital disorders that cause multiple missing teeth or defective tooth structure may also be candidates for full mouth reconstruction.

You can feel confident your smile is in the best of hands!

Whatever the case may be, patients can feel confident that the look, feel, and function of their smiles are in the best of hands at our office! We’re experts in the field of cosmetic and restorative dentistry and proficient in all methods of tooth restoration and replacement. From the fabrication of partial or full dentures and fixed bridges to the full range of options in implant dentistry, we understand the complexities of achieving facial harmony and balance, creating an aesthetically pleasing smile, and establishing an optimally functional bite.

Our office remains dedicated to providing the highest quality of skilled and compassionate care. For more information on our office and the many services that we provide, give us a call today.

Dental Implant Assessment

For how long have you been missing teeth?
Do you experience any pain or discomfort when eating or chewing?
Do you find it difficult to eat the foods you want or have to adjust the way you chew?
Do you ever avoid smiling or feel self-conscious about your smile in social settings?
What's the main thing stopping you from improving your smile?
Where are you in your decision process?
Have you spoken with another dentist about implants?
Approximately how much was the cost of the proposed treatment plan?
Would you like to explore affordable payment options?
How would you rate your overall credit health?
What matters most to you when considering an implant dentist?
Would you like to share a photo of your smile?
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How would you like to be contacted?